Recipe of Eggless Banana Cake

Ripe bananas-2
Powdered sugar-3/4cup
Refined oil-1/4 cup
*Alternatively you can take one cup malai(cream)
Refined flour-1.5 cup
*Cocoa powder (if you want chocolate flavour-2table spoon
Baking powder -1tea spoon
Baking Soda-1/2 tea spoon
Vanilla essence- 6-7 drops
Pinch of salt

1.Sieve flour +baking soda+baking powder+pinch of salt+cocoa powder (if using)2-3 times.keep aside
2.Grate or mash Bananas +add powdered sugar+oil+mix thoroughly.
3.Add Vanilla essence
4.Now add flour into this banana mixture spoon by spoon and mix by cut and fold method.Add some milk if consistency of cake is not ribbon like.
5.pour in greased baking dish.
6.You can bake with three different methods
*If using microwave bake for 4-5 minutes . Check with knife (it should come out clean)leave it in oven (switched off)for another 5-10 minutes. Upper crust will not become hard like oven cake but it will be more spongy.
*If using OTG bake on 150°for 20-30 minutes.Check with knife and leave it for another 10 minutes (in switched off oven)
If  using cooker pour some salt or sand at the bottom of it then put the stand and then your filled vessel in it(take off whistle).Bake for 45-50minutes (on low flame)or till baked properly.Again check by knife.
7.Enjoy with chocolate syrup!!
*You can add walnuts in the batter.
